Myanmarese Delegation Visits GSA and Joins Workshop on Bioresources Management of Myanmar
A Myanmarese delegation of eight scientists paid a visit to Kyoto University Graduate School of Agriculture (GSA) on January 26, to meet with the school’s senior faculty and participate in a workshop on bioresources management of Myanmar.
The delegates were invited as part of a Kyoto University program called Promotion of International Collaboration on Bioresources Management in Myanmar (PICBiRMa), launched in 2014 and led by GSA professor Mamoru Kanzaki.
Dr. Kanzaki briefly introduced the participants from Myanmarese universities and institutes to all in attendance. He also touched upon the fact that professor emeritus Khin Lay Swe, former pro-rector of Yezin Agricultural University, and Dr. Rosy Newin, staff officer at Forest Research Institute in Myanmar, earned their graduate degrees at Kyoto University.
In a bid to attract the best and brightest from these institutions, GSA dean Hisashi Miyagawa and international committee chair Naoshi Kondo gave an overview of multicultural, English-taught programs available at GSA, such as a special course in agricultural sciences, a government scholarship allocated for certain countries including Myanmar, and an ASEAN University Network dual-degree program.
Both sides expressed their intent to strengthen the academic ties, ideally under a university-level partnership that may be formed in the foreseeable future.
Following the meeting, the delegates toured the Toshiyuki Takano lab on chemistry of biomaterials and the Kondo lab on bio-sensing engineering. In the afternoon, four of the eight presented the latest advances in their respective fields at the workshop on bioresources management of Myanmar.
The delegation also included the University of Forestry (Yezin) professor San Thwin, the University of Yangon associate professors Myint Aung and Khin Thant Sin, lecturer Myint Thida, Yezin Agricultural University lecturer Than Than Soe, and former UNDP officer Khin Naing Oo.
Back row (from left): Drs. Mamoru Kanzaki, Naoshi Kondo, Myint Thida, Myint Aung and Khin Naing Oo | Front row (from left): Drs. Rosy Newin, Than Than Soe, Hisashi Miyagawa, Khin Lay Swe, San Thwin and Khin Thant Sin
The Myanmarese delegates engaiging in a discussion with GSA senior faculty.