
Campus Map

Faculty/Graduate School of Agriculture,Kyoto University(Yoshida North Campus)


  1. Front gate
  2. Faculty of Science Bldg. No.1 / Graduate School of Biostudies
  3. Faculty of Science Bldg. No.2
  4. Faculty of Science Bldg. No.6
  5. Faculty of Science Bldg. No.3
  6. Faculty of Science Bldg. No.4
  7. Research Center for Low Temperature and Materials Sciences
  8. Radioisotope Research Center (Annex)
  9. Faculty of Science Bldg. No.5
  10. Faculty of Agriculture main Bldg.
  11. Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS)
  12. Yukawa Hall
  13. Yukawa Insitute for Theoretical Physics
  14. Maskawa Building for Education and Research
  15. Pesticide Research Institute
  16. Graduate School of Agriculture Bldg No 2
  17. Former Head Office of Forest Research Station (Administrative Office of Shimeikai)
  18. Botanical Garden
  19. Experimental Farm
  20. Sports Ground
  21. Graduate School of Agriculture / Graduate School of Biostudies Bldg.
  22. formerly Farm Accounting Institute


※The facilities of faculty/graduate school of agriculture are shown in red.


Graduate School of Agriculture,Kyoto University(Uji Campus)

1            Guard Station
2            Pilot Plant Factory of New Materials for Food Processing (Graduate School of Agriculture)
3            Xylarium (RISH)
4            Wood Composite Hall (RISH)
5            Deterioration Organisms Laboratory (RISH)
              Woodworking Shop
              Biomass Material Laboratory
6            Uji International House
7            South Bldg No 1 (IAE)
8            South Bldg No 1 Annex (IAE)
9            South Bldg No 2 (IAE)
10          South Bldg No 3 (IAE)
11          Geotechnical Centrifuge Laboratory (DPRI)
12          Machine Shop (DPRI)
13          UNITWIN Cooperation Programme Headquarter Bldg (DPRI)
14          Electro-magnetic Shaking Table Laboratory (DPRI)
15          Eco-Housing “RISHusha” (RISH)
16          Nanocellulose Core·NANO-HOUSE (RISH)
17          Nano Factory·Nano Factory Ⅱ (RISH)
26          Uji Obaku Plaza
              Kihada Hall, Hybrid Space, Restaurant Kihada, Seven-Eleven
27          Uji Campus Main Bldg (ICR, IAE, RISH, DPRI, Graduate School of Agriculture)
              Health Service Uji Branch
              Uji Library
              Administration Office of Uji Campus
28          Wood-based Material Laboratory (RISH)
29          Research Bldg No 1 (ICR, IAE, RISH, DPRI)
              Bioinformatics Center (ICR)
              Quantum Science and Engineering Center (Graduate School of Engineering)
30          Joint Research Laboratory (ICR)
31          Radiation Laboratory
              Department of Nuclear Engineering (Graduate School of Engineering)
              Quantum Science and Engineering Center (Graduate School of Engineering)
              Graduate School of Energy Science
32          High-voltage High-resolution Electron Spectromicroscope Bldg (ICR)
33          High-Resolution Electron Spectromicroscope Bldg (ICR)
34          Bioprocessing Factory (RISH)
35          Development and Assessment of Sustainable Humanosphere (DASH Plant Growth Subsystem)
              (RISH, Center for Ecological Research)
36          Hekisui-sha (ICR)
51          Biotechnology Laboratory (ICR)
52          North Bldg No 1 (IAE)
53          Low-Temperature Laboratory (ICR)
              Division of Low Temperature and Materials Sciences
54          Informatics Bldg (ICR)
55          Nucleic Acid Research Bldg (ICR)
56          Research Bldg No 2 (Former National Training Institute for Engineering Teachers) (ICR, IAE, RISH, DPRI)
57          North Bldg No 2 (IAE)
58          Super Air Gasdynamics Laboratory (Graduate School of Engineering)
59          Center for Advanced Science and Innovation
60          Wind Tunnel Laboratory (Graduate School of Engineering)
61          North Bldg No 3 (IAE)
62          North Bldg No 4 (IAE, Graduate School of Energy Science)
76          Career Support Office Uji Satellite
              Cafeteria, Cooperative Store
77          Collaborative Research Hub, DPRI (DPRI)
78          Full-Scale Steel Structure for Field Observation (DPRI)
79          Strong Motion Observation Test Site (DPRI)
80          Earthquake Response Simulation Laboratory (DPRI)
81          Research Center for Earthquake Prediction (DPRI)
82          Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory (DPRI)
83          Advanced Microwave Energy Transmission Laboratory (RISH)
84          Accelerator Laboratory (ICR)
              Laser Science Laboratory (ICR)
85          Solar Power Station / Satellite Laboratory (RISH)
86          Microwave Energy Transmission Laboratory (RISH)
87          Electromagnetic Wave Laboratory (RISH)


※The facilities of faculty/graduate school of agriculture are shown in red.