

Faculty of Agriculture was established in 1897 as the 7th faculty of Kyoto Imperial University and was launched in 1923 with 6 departments of Farming and Horticulture (Later changed to Agriculture), Forestry, Agricultural Chemistry, Biology of Agriculture and Forestry, Agriculture and Forestry Engineering and Economics of Agriculture and Forestry. The course division of Agriculture followed an individual style of academic culture and was established as a purely scientific course based on research methods. From 1970 to 1974, a system was put in place to develop a comprehensive study of agriculture and meet the requirements of the era, and at the same time, applying architecture, fisheries, forestry engineering, food engineering and livestock sciences to this study.

Graduate School of Agriculture began in 1953 along with the establishment of Kyoto University Graduate Schools. Year 1981 saw the establishment of research areas that ranged from basics to application of the framework for a comprehensive education and research system. 10 departments of Faculty and 11 divisions of Graduate School were set up and the division of tropical agriculture largely from areas in Africa and South-East Asia was established. Encompassing these studies, graduates from our Faculty of Agriculture go beyond agricultural studies and advance to various fields such as medical engineering, manufacturing and petrochemical engineering. Graduate School of Agriculture has been playing an important role in the advancement of its graduates to national educational research institutions and technology-driven enterprises.

As a fundamental principle, Kyoto University places importance on contributions to mutual existence of harmony within the global society. Through this fundamental principle, we strive to simply exhibit a comprehensive study of ‘life, food and environment’ with materialization in agriculture. We are attempting to open a fruitful path for the coexistence of humans and nature, and for the harmonization of cutting edge development and environment for biosciences, while considering the diversification of this as a cornerstone to the development of food science.

Near the end of the 20th century, with the rapid realization of global problems regarding the existence of people, Faculty/Graduate School of Agriculture focused on the advancement to graduate studies between 1995 and 1997 and recognized the undergraduate university system as the pillar of the university. Based on the consolidation of the dietary scientific research center in 2001 and the re-recognition of the undergraduate faculty and strengthening of the graduate program, 6 departments and 7 divisions were taken up.

With the establishment of the faculty, development and long-term growth from further expansion of comprehensive and interdisciplinary research, which encompasses globalization and internationalization through continued cooperation between natural and social sciences, has become possible. The comprehensive expansion of agricultural studies that the graduate school strives for is to deepen the connection between all the agriculture-related areas that are both important to the establishment of the Field Sciences Education Research Center (which is the assimilation of affiliated institutions throughout the University and contributes to the establishment of the 5 independent graduate schools beginning with the Graduate School of Biostudies) and Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies that form the University’s future.

While advancing the outward expansion and inner enhancement of the undergraduate and graduate specializations mentioned above, expansion of research and development of human resources around the world as demanded by the society of the 21st century is underway in order to combine flexibility and comprehensive intellect.