
Interview with Students in Special Course


Name: Song Guangjie
Country : China
Division: Forest and Biomaterials Science
Status: 1st year student in Doctoral program
Research Area:
Three-dimensional alignment of cellulose microcrystals by magnetic processing

Mr. Song is one of the very first students of Special Course in Agricultural Sciences and has started his study in Master’s program from April 2010, and advanced to Doctoral program in April 2012 after successfully completing his Master’s program.

–Why did you choose Kyoto University for further study?–

Kyoto University is one of the word-top universities, and students can receive high-quality education and enjoy nice academic atmosphere. At Kyoto University, students have an opportunity to acquire scientific knowledge and to develop skills under the guidance of excellent professors. Besides, Kyoto University has been known as the “cradle of scientists”, where it attracts good students and scholars from across the world so one can make a lot of friends from Japan and many other countries. Therefore, I believe that Kyoto University is the best one for me to develop my academic career. That is why I chose Kyoto University.
–How do you feel about life in Kyoto?–
Kyoto is a city of garden where rivers and cherry blossom are so beautiful and impressive. Kyoto is also a city that has rich cultural heritage. Furthermore, everyone is very enthusiastic and friendly. I enjoy my living here every day. Everything is much more convenient than I expected.
–Tell us what you have learnt so far in daily life–
In the first semester (since April 2010), I got familiar with Japanese custom and daily life. Based on this experience, I can handle my personal affairs by myself now. I may live more comfortably in the next period. Moreover, my Japanese language level has been greatly improved, especially in daily conversation. Just at the beginning of arriving in Japan, I did not know at all how to open a bank account,and how to apply for registration card and national health insurance. However, owing to kind help of classmates, my instructor and officers, everything is OK now.
–How do you utilize your experiences in Japan for future? What do you want to do after graduation?–
I am studying in Fibrous Biomaterials Lab. under the guidance of Prof. Kimura. I would like to continue my study at Ph.D. course after finishing master course. My study has two keywords,“magnetic processing” and “cellulosic biomaterials”, that are paid significant attention across the world because magnetic processing and cellulosic biomaterials are both environmentally friendly and they will greatly contribute to solving crisis of global fuel and environment. Hopefully, I will be involved in this research field as a researcher after graduation from Kyoto University and make some contributions to this promising project. Also, I am willing to be a bridge between Japan and China for our further development of friendship.
–Message to prospective international Kyoto University students–
First of all, please treasure this precious opportunity and devote yourself to study to the maximum extend. Kyoto University will provide you sufficient resources for your research. Moreover, it is necessary to get familiar with Japanese culture and language,which will help you to make your Japanese life comfortable, enjoyable, and effi
cient. Schedule management is also important. In Kyoto University, you will get involved in a lot of thingssuch as lectures, seminars, lab work and social activities. So, a good plan for your daily work can make your student life much easier and more effective. Last but not least, suggest you to bring your personal seal to Japan because it is very often required when filling up documents.
Latest news!
After striving hard in his academic research and study here at Kyoto University, Mr. Song recently won the excellent poster award in the 4th International Conference on Magneto-Science held in Shanghai and Xi’an, China during October 9-15, 2011. Congratulations! We truly wish him every success in his academic career.