
Consultation Service & Student Support

Opinion Box

GSA has set up “opinion box” in order to collect suggestions and opinions from students concerning students support.
You can send a message from the link below.

Opinion box


*The opinion box uses REAS (Realtime Evaluation Assistance System) operated by the Open University of Japan.

Student Counseling and Support

To support students’ life and career, GSA provides the Student Counseling Room and Student Support Room.

Student Counseling Room

Physical disorders sometimes can cause mental illnesses such as depression. The Student Counseling Room provides students with consultation service that could introduce them to appropriate medical institutions.

Opening time:
Every Wednesday
*1st week of month: 9:00 a.m. through 1:00 p.m.
*Other weeks: 1:00 p.m. through 5:00 p.m.

Application process:
Advanced reservations by email are required. Please be sure to write the following information in the subject line: 1) student ID, 2) name, and 3) date and time that you wish to reserve.

Email: agri-soudan@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

*Please note that we are unable to accept consultation by email. If you have any question on student consultation, please contact the Student Affairs Office.

Student Support Room

GSA has established the Student Support Room in N101, Faculty of Agriculture Main Building. Students can check out textbooks for civil servant examinations in Japan. The support room is open until 8:00 p.m. on weekdays.

Please note that the support room is not available during the period of event such as a career seminar.
In case you do self-study, please use the study room in front of W100, or W210.

Harassment Complaints

To seek harassment counseling on conflicts between student and its supervisor, you can reach the consultation service by letter, email, facsimile and telephone, or simply visit the counseling staff. The counseling staff will strictly preserve the privacy of the consultor.
Persons who are involved in harassment consultations will not be treated unfairly or unreasonably because of using the consultation service.

As principle, the counseling staff will not contact the person(s) who have received an indication that they are perpetrating harassment, nor arrange the deliberations between the people concerned.

In case the counseling staff deems it appropriate, the counseling staff will make contact with the people concerned for the remedial actions according to the consulter’s request.

Email: agri-jinken*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (replace ”*” with “@”)

GSA’s Guideline to Prevent and Cope with Harassment

For detail information, please see the “Guideline to Prevent and Cope with Harassment at the Faculty and Graduate School of Agriculture” listed below.

List of the counseling staff at GSA
The counseling staff will strictly preserve the privacy of the consultor.

Harassment Policy at Kyoto University

Please refer to the booklet “Preventing and Coping with Harassment at Kyoto University” on the university website below.

Harassment Policy at Kyoto University

Internal Regulations on Harassment at GSA

Guideline for Harassment Prevention and Countermeasures at Faculty and Graduate school of Agriculture 
The regulation on Harassment Prevention and Countermeasures at The Group of Faculty Consorts of Agriculture
The regulations on Harassment Prevention and Countermeasures at Faculty and Graduate school of Agriculture

(available only in Japanese language)