
Invitation of Foreign Researchers

International researchers who will be employed by the university

Please refer to the following website for acceptance procedures to invite those who will have employment relationship with Kyoto University.

North Campus Administration Office Website
(Available on campus and in Japanese language only)

International researchers who will not be employed by the university

Kyoto University has various statuses for international researchers. Among them, the following is a brief introduction of “International Guest Scholar” and “International Guest Research Associate,” who are not employed by the university. Procedures to appoint international researchers as either status can be found on the website of the North Campus Administration Office.

North Campus Administration Office Website
(Available on campus and in Japanese language only)

International Guest Scholar

The university may give appointments to international researchers who meet the following criteria under the rubric of Kyoto University Guest Scholar.
(1)   International researchers who are not employed by Kyoto University;
(2)   International researchers who contribute to a faculty or department’s research and education for not less than two weeks, unless otherwise specified; and
(3)  International researchers who are determined to possess qualifications greater than or equal to a Professor, Associate Professor, or Senior Lecturer at Kyoto University

International Guest Research Associate

Persons in any of the following categories may be appointed as Kyoto University Guest Scholar Associate, except those persons who plan to stay in Japan at their own expense. Applicants must contribute to a faculty or department’s research and education for not less than two weeks, unless otherwise specified. Unlike International Guest Scholar, applicants must be invited through any international exchange program.
 (1)     International researchers who have been invited through international collaboration programs of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science;
(2)     International researchers who have been invited through Follow-up Research Fellowship Programs of the Japan Student Services Organization;
(3)     International researchers who have been invited through programs of the Kyoto University Foundation, which provide aid for the promotion of international exchange;
(4)     International researchers who have been invited through Japanese Government Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research; or
(5)     International researchers who are invited by various organizations involved in promoting international exchange, etc.

North Campus Office of International Affairs

Handbook for International Researchers